Monday 22 March 2021

Blog Update for Monday, March 22nd, 2021

 Hey guys! How's it going? I'm pretty good. Like I said in my previous post, the weather was gorgeous over the weekend and I spent most of yesterday afternoon outside, without a jacket on. Right now I'm just gonna talk about some stuff that I'm doing on the blog. So let's get right to it shall we?

So as you may have noticed I didn't do my review of Mickey's Fun Songs/Disney Sing-Along Songs: Beach Party at Walt Disney World this morning like I said I was going to be doing at the end of my review of the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Friday. That's because I've decided to take a little bit of a break from the Disney Sing-Along Songs reviews for a while. I'm really enjoying doing them, but I decided to start my new video game memories series instead. Aside from having not talked about video games on this blog since I reviewed Super Star Wars for the Super NES for Star Wars Week last year, there's another reason that I'm going to be talking about in just a little while.

The basic premise for this new series is to take a video game, or series of games, that I owned, rented, or played at the hospital when I was a kid and talk about my memories of either playing the game myself, playing multi-player with other people (if I did so), or watching other people play the games. I might go off on tangents occasionally, like talking about Nintendo Power or which games I remember seeing commercials for on TV or just heard about from my friends and classmates when I was growing up, but never played or even saw footage of. So hopefully this will be a fun series. Especially when I get into Pokemon as I'll be going off on SEVERAL tangents with that since I have the games, the trading cards (and the game they're for), AND the Anime to talk about and so I'll be splitting things up into generations for that franchise.

The reason I decided to do this is because starting tonight after my sister and I watch the episode(s) of The Orville that we plan on watching on Disney+ I am going to be watching the first episode of an Anime called Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends, which I will now be referring to as simply Haganai from this point on. There's a total of 13 episodes in this Anime, with 12 regular episodes in the season and then an Original Video Animation (OVA) episode as well. So technically I could binge the entire series in two days and just review it on Friday morning. Except I'm not going to do that. Instead I am going to watch one episode a day until I've finished the series then I'm going to review the series. After that I'm going to watch the follow-up series/second season Haganai NEXT

I'm also going to be reading some comic book story arcs like Kingdom Come, The Death of Superman, Batman: Knightfall and others and not read them in one sitting like I normally would. So this video game memories series will fill in the spot where movie reviews would be normally. 

This week I'm going to be reading Kingdom Come by Mark Waid with art by Alex Ross, and that review will be out on Friday. Today is of course this post and my memories of Super Mario Bros. on the NES. On Wednesday I'm kind of waffling between putting out my Walt Disney Limited Issues DVD line overview and writing about my history with Batman. I'll probably end up doing the Batman post because I think that'll be fun to do. We'll see though. 

Anyways guys that's going to be it for me for today. It's another beautiful day in the neighbourhood, so I am going to go have some lunch and then go outside for the afternoon. So until next time have a great day and I will talk to you all later. Take care. 

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