Sunday 14 March 2021

Blog Update for March 2021

 Hey guys! How's everyone's weekend going? Mine's been good though it's also been a little weird too. Today it has officially been one year since I've been anywhere with friends. One year ago today I was out with Brad and when I got home, that was it as suddenly we were in a pandemic with the entire world shut down. However, I'm not here to talk about that. Instead, I am here to talk about what's going on with the blog this that March is half over. So let's get into it.

As you may have noticed I didn't post my review for episode 2 of The Hardy Boys. That's because I've decided that I'm not going to. I'm loving the show, but I write alot for this blog already and I just want to be able to watch the show without needing to write about it the next day. Same thing with Superman & Lois. I'm definitely going to be reviewing the season of each show when they're finished, but no weekly posts on either show. 

This week I'm going to be sticking to the Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. I have an appointment on Tuesday that I have to actually leave the house for, so I won't have any posts out that day. Tomorrow I'm going to have my next Disney Sing-Along Songs review out. This week I'm looking at Mickey's Fun Songs: Let's Go to the Circus!, another tape I didn't grow up with. So that should be an interesting watch. On Wednesday I'm going to either have a comic book review or my review of Animorphs book 6, The Capture out. That will depend on if I finish the book by then or not. If I do end up putting out a comic book review on Wednesday, I'm planning on taking a look at Superman: Earth One Volume 1, which is a comic that I really enjoy, so stay tuned for that. Finally, on Friday I am going to have a review of the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which drops on Friday morning. I'll be watching that right after breakfast and then I'll have my review up hopefully by lunchtime. I'll for sure have it out by the end of the day. 

So that's what's happening this week. After that I'm going to be getting back to some movie reviews that I've been itching to do. Including some animated movies from the 90s like The Swan Princess and Beauty and the Beast. So look forward to that. Also, I'm going to continue taking you through my childhood collections and other things that I want to talk about, similar to my Disney Adventures post that I did recently. 

Alright guys, that's gonna be it for me for today. I'll be back tomorrow with my review of Mickey's Fun Songs: Let's Go to the Circus! for the next part of my look at the live action Disney Sing-Along Songs VHS tapes. So until then have a great rest of your weekend and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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