Wednesday 12 August 2020

Quick Announcements

 Hey guys! Just some quick announcements before I get to work on my comic book review for this week. I've made some decisions concerning the blog and I think you're really going to enjoy what I have in store for you guys on the blog in the coming months. 

I've decided to work on some season reviews for some TV shows. The first three that I have in line for you are The Goldbergs, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. And then the season 1 review of Star Trek: Lower Decks will be squeezed in there when that wraps up in a couple of months. I love reviewing movies, but, I also had a blast reviewing all six seasons of Community and talking about The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin when I did the Teddy Ruxpin VHS reviews. There's just something about TV shows that movies lack. And that's longevity. While you're only with a movie for a maximum of three hours, you could be with a TV show for years. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning movie reviews altogether, but they won't be prevalent like they used to be. 

I'm also taking the blog back to it's geeky roots. As in everything I review will be part of geek culture, but not necessarily pop culture. Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Power Rangers, DC Comics, Marvel Comics (but mostly DC), Lord of the Rings, The Big Bang Theory, Disney, non-aligned Sci-Fi shows, A Song of Ice and Fire, and a ton of other movies, books, TV shows, comic books and video games that are on the geek spectrum. My Disney Sing-Along Songs VHS reviews? Geeky! Manga and Anime? Geeky, but not super prevalent in this blog. James Bond? Definitely geeky! Hannah Montana? Big fat nope! I mean, I guess it could be, but it's not something I watched when I was the age that is appropriate to watch it, so it's not being included on this blog. Even though I technically could get away with reviewing it under the Disney division of Geekdom (yes, I just made that up, there isn't actually a Disney division of Geekdom, or is there?). Same with the Home Alone series. It's fun, it's nostalgic, but it's not geeky. 

Now, you're probably thinking, "Wait a minute! The Goldbergs isn't geeky!" and my response would be "Uh yeah it is!". Yes, I am reviewing The Goldbergs because it was created by a geek and is about him, growing up in the '80s, with his family. So yeah, The Goldbergs is the geekiest show you're ever going to get without it being Science Fiction, Fantasy or based on a comic book. Lol. 

I'm also going to be bringing back the Star Wars book reviews. I wanted to take a break from them so I could read and review the Odd Thomas series. And I've got three more books in that series, but I won't be reviewing them here on the blog. I'll be enjoying the last three books in the series on my own time. 

Alright guys, that's going to be it for today. I'll be back shortly with a comic book review. Not Power Rangers though. Instead, I'm going to be doing a single issue review this time. I'll be reviewing Batman: The Adventures Continue #1. Later! 

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