Thursday 20 August 2020

Blog Update (August 20th, 2020)

 Hey guys! How's your week going? Honestly, mine has been pretty good. So as you may have noticed, I haven't posted anything this week. I did that on purpose. I decided to take the week off, except for this post, and relax. Which got me thinking about the blog and it's direction. So that's actually why I'm doing this Blog Update right now. 

So originally I was going to do a whole series of reviews on seasons of Television, going through however many seasons of a show I had access to, including the complete series for several that are on Netflix, Disney+ and in my personal collection, starting with Star Wars: The Clone Wars. But three days ago I started watching Full House on Netflix, with no intention to review it and I found myself actually relaxing with the show before bed, instead of paying attention to it so I could review it when I was finished. Just randomly too. Like I hadn't even planned on watching Full House from the very beginning, until the minute I turned Netflix on on Monday night. I honestly had to keep myself from laughing too loud because my parents had gone to bed.

So, in the spirit of the fun of watching TV as relaxation before going to bed, I'm not going to do movie and TV show reviews the way I've been doing them. Instead I'm going to just write about a show at some point while I'm watching it and post that as a discussion type post. Same with movies. After I finish watching a movie, I'll just talk about it a little bit. That just takes off the pressure of watching a show to review in a certain amount of time. All of my reviews and discussions will continue to be spoiler free, but I think it'll be easier because then I can just watch the show as slow or fast as I want to and not worry about getting it finished in a timely fashion, even though I have all the time in the world to get this stuff done in.

As for my book and comic reviews, I'm gonna be continuing doing them the way I've been doing them in terms of layout and style. However I'm gonna stick to doing single issue comic book reviews as I can do those quickly and easily. Book reviews aren't going to change, though I am going to be doing them a lot more often than I have been doing them. I'll be alternating between the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels and other books just so I'm not burning myself out with Star Wars books, which can happen, because there are a lot of them. So stay tuned for that.

That's it for me today. I'll be back tomorrow with a review of the 3rd issue of Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Death of Nancy Drew, which I just got a week ago. So I will talk to you all later. 

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