Monday 3 August 2020

Blog Update (August 3rd, 2020)

Hey guys! How's it going? I'm actually doing great today. Thanks to all of you who read my latest blog post, it's now officially my most viewed post on here, surpassing my review of The World of Teddy Ruxpin: Teddy Outsmarts M.A.V.O. (Volume 6) by two views. Which is totally awesome and gives me hope for the new series of posts I'm going to be doing, which I talked about in my previous post (if you haven't read it yet, please do so here: Not knowing if anyone would read it is mostly what has prevented me from writing about my disabilities beyond mentioning that I have them. Don't worry though I'll try to make them as entertaining as possible. Though I suspect that some of my stories will be more entertaining for me than they will be for anyone reading them. Lol. In the meantime though let's get to what you really came here for: Me, waxing poetic about what reviews I'm going to be posting on the blog this week.

I've got a crazy week for you here at the Review Basement this week. Including a little something special for you on Friday. Which I'll get into a little later, since I'm really trying to go in chronological order with this update.

Tomorrow is going to be my review of the second trade paperback volume of the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic. My volume 1 review did pretty well in terms of views, which is awesome that more than five people actually read that review, given that it's Power Rangers, and that doesn't seem to do quite as well as reviews I do of DC or Marvel books. This is based solely on my numbers for the reviews of the first two issues of the Power Rangers/Ninja Turtles crossover and the first issue of the original 1994 Hamilton Comics Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series. Anyway I digress.

I'm not going to have a post for you on Wednesday because I have a phone appointment with my new Urologist that day so I'm planning on taking that day off from posting anything on the blog. I'm not sure if I'm going to post anything on Thursday either. I'm not going to be done reading book 4 in the Odd Thomas series, Odd Hours, by Thursday since I'm taking a break from the series to read the two books by Shane Burcaw that I got last week. I finished the first book, Laughing at My Nightmare before I went to sleep last night and I started the second one, Strangers Assume My Girlfriend is My Nurse right after that, so I MIGHT do something on those books on Thursday, depending on if I get done the second one by then, but it won't be a review. I bought them to read for personal enjoyment, not to review on this blog. But you know how I am. If I enjoy something I have to talk about it on the blog, even if I don't do a full review on the thing I enjoyed. Lol.

Thursday night is the premiere of Star Trek: Lower Decks, which I did a review/overview of the trailer on at the end of July, which you can read here: (I can't believe I shamelessly plugged two of my own blog posts in a blog post). So on Friday I'll be posting a review of the pilot episode. Depending on how much I like the pilot I might actually review the show week to week, which I've never been good at keeping up with any time I've ever tried to do episode by episode reviews of a season of Television in the past. So that will definitely depend on if I like the pilot enough that I 1) want to keep watching the series and 2) have enough to say about each episode to write a full review of it. They'll all be spoiler free because it's a new show, but that means I may not have enough to say about the show week to week. I'll definitely be doing a review of the pilot episode this week though and then a full season 1 review when the season is over. So stay tuned for that on Friday.

My movie review this week is going to be a first for me. It's the first time I will have ever seen American Pie. That's right, I have never seen American Pie or any of it's sequels or spin-offs. I was 12 years old when the first movie came out and so you can imagine how that conversation would've gone if I had asked my mom if I could rent it after it had come out on VHS and DVD. And there was no way I was gonna be going to see it in theatres even if I'd wanted to. Which I didn't. Then as the other movies in the series came out throughout the 2000s and the early 2010s I just wasn't interested in watching them. So this should be interesting to see how I like a 21 year old teen comedy movie. Which is actually why I decided to just stop my whining and sit down to watch it this week for my review. Lol.

I think that's pretty much all I wanted to say today. Well, except that I will be doing my first Disney Sing-Along Songs VHS review in a week from today. So that will be fun. Which brings me to one more thing. Because I'll be doing these reviews on Mondays, I'm trying to decide what day to put out my Living with Disabilities posts on. I don't necessarily need to put them out on the same day all the time, but considering Fridays will most likely be reviews of Star Trek: Lower Decks episodes, Saturdays are my movie reviews, Tuesdays are my comic book reviews, and Wednesdays and Thursdays are usually reserved for extra reviews like an extra comic book review or a novel review, depending on when I finish reading a book and on whether or not I just feel like doing two comic book reviews in a week. But as of right now, Sundays are completely open as are Fridays unless I decide to do weekly Star Trek: Lower Decks Reviews, so it'll definitely be one of those two days.

Okay, now I'm actually done for today. But I will be back tomorrow for my review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Volume 2 and other posts throughout the week. So stay tuned for all of that, coming to you very very soon. Later. 

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