Friday 9 April 2021

Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Death of Nancy Drew #6 - Comic Book Review

 Hey guys! Happy Friday! How was everyone week? Mine was pretty weird. All of Ontario, including Ottawa, is in lockdown with stay at home orders in effect, so you know, there's that. Plus other things going on as well. Today I'm going to be taking at the final issue of Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Death of Nancy Drew. I'll try not to spoil too much of it, just incase you decide to read it. Let's get into it.

There honestly isn't a whole lot to say about this issue. There's not a whole lot of material to cover in the issue because so much was crammed into the previous five issues. Basically this issue wraps up the few loose ends from the previous issues. Like who tried to have Nancy killed. Yeah, I'll talk about THAT shortly.

As I've said in my reviews of the last few issues, this series didn't need to be six issues long. Four issues would've been fine though you could just as easily fit it into two or three issues and that would've been okay too. I don't know if this is a problem with modern comics in general, with Dynamite Entertainment, or just with Anthony Del Col's writing style in particular. The thing is it's Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, so no matter how you look at it, you're not exactly getting very complex character pieces out of these characters or even very complex stories either. Even The Hardy Boys Casefiles and Nancy Drew Files novels weren't exactly the most complex stories or character pieces ever written, but they were still enjoyable reads.

Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Death of Nancy Drew started off strong with the first couple of issues. I mean I really enjoyed those first two issues or so. But as the series went along, it just started to feel drawn out and pointless, since I had pretty much guessed who the villain was by issue #5. Without revealing who it is, it became pretty obvious since the character didn't actually show up until the fifth issue and they did everything they could to dissuade Nancy to back off the case. Which she couldn't do since it involved her own death.

As this series went along I began realizing that you very much needed to have read the previous mini-series, Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie to fully understand what exactly was going on, since Nancy and the boys constantly refer back to that series since this is a direct sequel to it. Also the recap at the beginning of the first issue is only meant to catch readers up so they can read the first issue and then try and find the previous series in trade paperback collected edition form. The recap wasn't meant to replace reading the actual book.

In all honesty I do like this series as a whole, despite it's flaws. However I do think you should pick it up in trade paperback along with the trade paperback of The Big Lie and read that one first and then read this one just so you have a better idea of what's going on. The only reason I read this series first is because it's what I started getting first though I was aware of the previous mini-series.

That's gonna be it for me for today and for this week since it is Friday. Like I said, it's a short review today because I just don't have much to say about this issue. I may do a full series read through and review it as a whole later on down the line. In the meantime I'll be back next week with more posts, including the next Video Game Memories installment, my Walt Disney Platinum Edition overview and my review of Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy Book #1, The Paredise Snare since I'm almost finished reading it. So until then have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday for my look at Super Mario Bros. 2 (Super Mario Bros. USA in Japan). Take care.

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