Monday 26 April 2021

Blog Update for April, 2021

 Hey everyone! How were your weekends? Mine was pretty good. Today I just wanted to touch base with all of you since I haven't done a blog update since March so I thought I'd just check in with you for today's post. I got some cool posts coming your way this week, so let's dive in and I'll let you know what I'm up to this week.

So the first thing I wanted to talk about is something I kind of mentioned in the intro of my review of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but didn't really say anything about it beyond that. So for those of you who don't know, I got my first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday afternoon. It was kind of a surprise because my age group isn't being done yet for the most part unless they work in healthcare or other frontline positions. But one of my doctors felt I should get it sooner rather than later, and submitted my information to the local hospital and they called me out of the blue on Wednesday afternoon with an appointment. I jumped at the chance of course. Aside from a sore arm and some fatigue for a couple of days afterward I haven't had any ill effects from the vaccine. I did take it easy for Friday and Saturday though just to be sure. So that was cool. But now I'm playing the waiting game again because I can't get my second dose until August, which feels like a long ways away, but it's really only almost three months, the length of summer vacation when I was a kid. So that's not too bad. Anyways I just wanted to put that out there.

On the same day that I got my vaccination done, I started reading The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness. It's a YA novel about how the people who aren't directly involved the events of books like Harry Potter or Twilight get dragged into the events anyway because they affect their lives as much as they affect the lives of character like Harry Potter, Bella Swan, Katniss Everdeen, and pretty much every other hero and heroine in YA fiction. This is actually a re-read, because I have read this book several times in the past. In fact I think I reviewed this on the old blog about three years ago now, but I've never talked about it on this blog before. I'm more than halfway done so expect the review to come out probably tomorrow if I plan things right. I think. If not tomorrow, then definitely on Wednesday.

I'm really wanting to talk about books more often on this blog, because aside from movies and TV shows, books are my favourite thing in the world. I love comic books and music and archaic home video formats, but books are awesome and I want to talk about them more on here than I have so far.

Either tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on whether I finish reading The Rest of Us Just Live Here today or not, I'll be putting out my final overview of a Walt Disney home media collection. Which actually brings us to present day as I'll be talking about the final (so far) collection, the Walt Disney Signature Collection. I might do an epilogue showing off my favourite releases in each collection, but we'll see. 

It's been a while since I did a movie review, so I think for this week I'm going to review my favourite of the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Batman movies, Batman Forever. I had to make that distinction since my actual favourite Batman movie is Batman: The Movie from 1966. Anyway I've been itching to do this review since I reviewed the comic book adaptation months ago and since I haven't put out a movie review in a long time, I thought I'd get back into it with this one. Look for that review to come out this Friday because I'll be watching the movie on Thursday night.

Then finally, I think this week I'm going to try to start watching Haganai NEXT as well. That review won't happen until I'm finished the series, but this time I might try to watch two episodes a night in order to finish the show in a shorter amount of time than it ended up taking me to watch Haganai before. Besides watching The Orville on Tuesday nights with my sister (virtually of course), my only show on right now is The Hardy Boys since the next Marvel show, which is Loki, doesn't start until June 11th, and even though Star Wars: The Bad Batch starts next week on May the 4th, I don't have any interest in that series so I won't be watching it. Also it's looking like Superman & Lois won't be back until the summer, after the final season of Supergirl is over, which is why my sister and I are watching The Orville on Tuesday nights.


I'm planning on getting back to the video game stuff next week as well, depending on how things go. I just really wanna talk about Super Mario Bros. 3, so you might actually get that this Thursday, making it a five day release schedule for this blog. We'll see how things go with the The Rest of Us Just Live Here review, the Walt Disney Signature Collection overview, and the Batman Forever review.

So that is what's been going on with me and what I have planned for the blog this week. I'll be back tomorrow with either the The Rest of Us Just Live Here book review or the Walt Disney Signature Collection overview, depending on when I finish reading the book. So until then have a great rest of your day, stay safe, and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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