Sunday 8 November 2020

Out with the Old and In with the New: A Review Basement Blog Update

 Hey guys! How's it going? I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. I know most Americans are given that their election was finally called yesterday. Apologies for not posting anything all week, but I was dealing with an infected ingrown toenail and ended up not being able to watch Dr. No like I had originally intended on doing for this week's movie review. I also didn't have any other posts that I felt like doing this week. Which brings me to why I'm here right now.

So I'm struggling a little bit with what to do on my blog. I definitely want to keep doing movie reviews because that's what seems to be the most popular posts on this blog and I'm also definitely going to continue doing Living with Disabilities at the end of every month. The problem I'm facing is whether or not to do a separate series for family friendly movies in general, convert my entire blog to just that since that's actually what alot of the movies that I own are, or the third option is that I pick one day a week and post stuff about Disney. The movies, the TV shows, the history of the company, and anything else I can think of. Except the Disney Parks because I've only been to Disneyland once and that was back in 1993 so my knowledge of the theme parks is outdated by nearly 28 years.

I loved doing the Teddy Ruxpin VHS reviews and I really feel like I'd have a lot more to say on the more wholesome and family friendly movies and TV shows than I do on the more disturbing contents like It or the raunchy comedies like the American Pie series. I also want to talk about the Disney Sing-Along Songs tapes, the Barney & The Backyard Gang tapes, shows like The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and the edgier side of family friendly with shows like Gargoyles and Batman: The Animated Series. So I think what I'm going to do is do a mix.

Mondays will be Disney Reviews where I will review as much Disney content as I have access to, be it on VHS, DVD, Blu-ray or on Disney+ except for the theme parks, Marvel and Star Wars. Movies, books, comics, TV show pilot episodes (I'm not reviewing an entire series on the blog again like I did with Community), the history of Disney movies on home media platforms, and even the history of the company itself.

Apart from the theme parks the only Disney stuff I won't be tackling are the Disney Junior stuff from the last decade and a half or so because I have no connection to it. The exception is The Lion Guard, animated series based on The Lion King, because a friend of mine, Danielle, worked on that show as her animation studio here in Ottawa does a lot of the more recent Disney animated shows, so anything they worked on, I'll be covering on the blog.  

Wednesdays will be reserved for other family friendly material such as reviews on the Barney & The Backyard Gang tapes, the reviews on the remaining two Teddy Ruxpin VHS tapes, The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin (live-action/animatronic TV movie) and Teddy Ruxpin: The Movie (VHS repackaging of the first five episodes of the animated series), and things like that. I'll also be doing reviews of the original Teddy Ruxpin stories for this segment as well, so stay tuned for that.

Don't worry though I'm not doing anything too modern when it comes to this kind of stuff. Anything for kids that I review on this blog will be the stuff that I grew up watching and so I'll never have a review of Teletubbies or something outrageous like that since that was after my time and I have no connections to it outside of seeing my younger cousins watching it on the TV at the cottage in the early 2000s. The exceptions being the more modern Disney animated shows that were animated here in Ottawa by the company my friend worked on.

Saturdays will be my usual movie related content, such as Top (insert number here) lists, movie reviews, TV show pilot reviews, as well as movie reviews from Aaron, whose movie list you really enjoyed since it's the highest viewed post on this entire blog, where he'll be tackling movies that I either have no interest in watching or movies I probably won't get the chance to watch because I don't have them on any home media platform and they aren't streaming anywhere. 

Also, in case you're wondering where it is, I deleted my review of the first Disney Sing-Along Songs tape, Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, because I think I can do better on it and I have something special planned with for the entire line starting this week. 

So that's all I have to say in this post. I just wanted to let you know what I'd been thinking about while I was letting my toe heal this week and what my plan is going forward. I'll be back tomorrow with my first Disney Reviews segment where I'll be talking about The Bare Necessities, the third tape in the Disney Sing-Along Songs line, and the first VHS tape I ever owned when I was a kid. Then on Wednesday I'll be taking a look at The Backyard Show, the first tape in the Barney & The Backyard Gang video series, the first ever appearance of Barney the Dinosaur (don't judge, it's child friendly) and my introduction to Barney the Dinosaur. And then on Saturday I'll have my review of Dr. No up finally.

Following my Barney review, I'll be reviewing Grundo Springtime Singtime, which is one of my favourite Teddy Ruxpin stories of all time and I have very fond memories of listening to that tape and reading the book as a kid. I'm really looking forward to that. 

So stay tuned, and I'm sorry if you don't like the direction I'm heading in, but I have more affinity for the wholesome, annoying to most adults, and family friendly side of entertainment than I do for the more adult stuff since my parents were very careful with what they let me watch growing up and that kind of just followed me through my entire life. But if you're into that sort of content, buckle up because you're in for a wild ride! Have a great Sunday folks and I will talk to you later. Bye for now. 

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