Thursday, 30 April 2020

Weekly Blog Update (April 30th, 2020)

Hey guys. How's it going? I'm doing pretty well for a Thursday morning. Sorry this post is later in the week than I had planned, but the weather was really nice out yesterday and on Tuesday, so I chose to go outside instead of working on the blog. I also got distracted with YouTube videos. So I don't have a whole lot to tell you this week, but I thought I'd do this post anyway since it's become a staple of this new version of The Review Basement.

Last week I announced that I was starting an entire series of reviews on VHS tapes. I decided to still do it, but I've narrowed it down to just three series of tapes. I've eliminated the Walt Disney Classics line and the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection line and will focus just on The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin, Barney and the Backyard Gang, and Disney Sing-Along Songs. This way there won't be any repeats and I can actually talk about the episode or show that's on the tape without going through five or six different iterations of a movie before I get to the actual movie. So I'm going to just incorporate the movies from the Walt Disney Classics and Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection into my movie reviews since I have access to most, if not all of the movies thanks to Disney+. I'll be starting with the Teddy Ruxpin VHS tapes that Vincent sent me the digitized copies of next week, on either Monday or Tuesday, depending on when I feel like watching the first tape.

As you may have noticed I went off brand with my comic book review this week and reviewed Batman #501 from the Batman: Knightquest trade paperback. I have so many comic books that I want to talk about from all eras that I didn't think it was fair to pigeonhole myself into just reviewing the comic books that I had as a child and teenager. However, I'm going to reviewing single issues only, whether I have them in floppies (the single issues themselves), or in collected editions. With the older comics that I have facsimile editions or reprint editions of, I'm going to use the original cover image for rather than the reprint or facsimile edition of.

For my movie review this week I'm going to be watching Dick Tracy (1990). Unlike The Rocketeer, which I reviewed last week, I may or may not have seen Dick Tracy when I was a kid. It's possible I at least saw bits and pieces of it at the hospital, but I don't remember watching it and I don't remember seeing the whole movie. So hopefully I'll enjoy it when I sit down to watch it on VHS tomorrow night.

I think that's all I wanted to tell you guys this week. I'll be back on Saturday with my review of Dick Tracy and then I'll be back on Monday with my review of The World of Teddy Ruxpin Volume 1: The Treasure of Grundo, the first tape in the original Teddy Ruxpin VHS series. So until then have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later.

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