Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Blog Update and More About What the Review Basement is Doing

Hey guys! Not to worry, I am still alive. I'm also not sick. However, I am in protective isolation until further notice due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has taken out the world. Which means you'll be getting a lot of blog posts from me in the near future. I've got a few for you this week including a movie review and a few comic book reviews.

I also wanted to tell you a little bit more about what my plan for this new Review Basement is going to be. When I decided to shut down the original blog and move it over to Blogger, I honestly wasn't quite sure what exactly my plan was going to be for the blog. I hadn't really mapped anything out and really just wanted to get a few posts out there before I made any concrete decisions on what it is I wanted to do with this fresh start. I've landed on the perfect thing.

The Review Basement is going to be a review blog only. No news, no articles, nothing like that, though I may occasionally do a special post where I do a best and worst of list of some sort, though that's something I'm still unsure of at this point. We'll see what happens. In terms of the reviews I'll be doing they will mostly be focused on the movies, TV shows, comics and novels of my childhood, as well as movies that came out on VHS during my childhood. I don't have all of those on VHS obviously, but I will be using the VHS covers for the reviews. I'm also including a few video game reviews, but more along the lines of the games that I played when I was growing up and only going up to the Nintendo 64.

One other thing that I'm considering talking about, even if I don't do full on reviews of them are albums. I love listening to music. Listening to music has helped me get through some rough times in my life and so I want to talk about specific albums that are the most significant to me. Things of that nature. But again, it's something I'm considering and it's not necessarily going to happen.

As for comics, I'm keeping it to the single issues from my childhood that I still have in my collection, which totals 77 out of my hundreds of single issues. 78 if you include the one trade paperback that I still have from when I was a kid. Which I will be doing. After that I'll be diving into more of the Facsimile Editions and reprints that I own of older comics, then who knows after that. With just the single issues I have from my childhood, including my teenage years, I have enough comics for over a year's worth of reviews, which is good. And I'll be reviewing them more or less in the order in which I got the issue when I was a kid.

So that's my plan for the blog. Reviews will come out when they come out. I'm not hold myself to any kind of schedule this time around. I'm just gonna come in, talk about the thing I'm reviewing and then get out again. And it will happen when it happens. I'll be back in a little while with the first comic book review of my childhood comic book collection.

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